The holiday rental prices for a Tenerife holiday apartment depend on duration and property size which may start with €35 per day, while a minimum stay varies. So are special day prices and discounts. The price for an apartment with more than 1 bedroom which sleeps more than 2 people, except for an additional small child is usually higher. This is also because more people also use more services, while holiday resorts charge higher community fees to flat owners depending on the size of properties.
€25-45 is generally asked for final apartment cleaning.
Then there is Villa rental. A luxury Tenerife villa holiday is bound to have its price. An owner may even insist in a total payment of the holiday stay which could be 2 weeks or earlier in advance.Why?
He too has much too lose.
The remaining fee amounts to the rest of the rental which calculate by the daily rental tariff multiplied by holidays minus the paid 15 % deposit. It is due by the latest 10 days before rental starts, unless last minute arrangements were made.
A refundable security charge of € 55 is payable in cash before the handing over of the keys.
A rental contract for long lets may or may not apply, while identification is part of any service.
From holiday rental prices back to apartments Tenerife.
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