Varied contemporary art events at T E A Tenerife, but what about Óscar Domínguez?

Contemporary art by exhibitions at the innovative TEA Óscar Domínguez center and museum in the capital of the biggest of all Canary Islands Spain cater for everything.

TEA means Tenerife Espacio de Artes which translates into Tenerife Art spaces.

Spaces of most impressive architecture

This architecture in Tenerife is by Herzog and de Meuron. Their work is highly modern, artistic construction and engineering of public buildings and spaces. Their creation of Plaza de España where art stands in the open in the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife also merits to be mentioned in this context.

Is T.E.A. itself an architectural example of contemporary art?

The atrium roof? Indeed, a brilliant work of engineering that creates the most pleasant climate by natural means. 

There, the creations by Domínguez and other modern artists could hardly have a better place.


What this modern art by Domíngez excells for

Oscar Dominguez a self portrait of the artistOscar Dominguez self portrait

The Spanish surrealist artist Óscar Domínguez whose name is synonymous with T. E. A. was born in 1906 in San Cristóbal de la Laguna of Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain.

His restless, visionary mind was forever experimenting with new painting techniques which are the essence of contemporary art.

His most known invention the adhesive medium called Decalcomia is the pressing of paint between two surfaces. He sure would have come up with more novelties had he not passed away in 1957 already. These may just as well have been sculptures, while the creation of objects became his passion.

The T.E.A.'s space not enough?

Anyway, some works of Óscar Domínguez will be displayed at T. E. A. again and again.

The reason why his art is not kept there permanently but, in an institution of his name, may be lack of space. Mind that too much of the 20622 square meters of the TEA art center are taken up by other amenities.

Spain sees Óscar Domínguez along the line with renown surrealists like Salvador Dali and Joan Miro. Not to forget is Pablo Picasso for modern art. Their works set standards for our most recent times which thrive on constant artistic renovation.

Lesser known innovative art by Óscar Domínguez

Unusual Óscar Domínguez contemporary art was also portrayed in July 2014. This was from one of his most experimental periods. There were even small sculptures or call them objects.

The latest Óscar Domínguez exhibition at TEA

Scheduled from May 7th to November 24th of 2024 were more than 20 contemporary art works by Domínguez that include a few sculptures like the one known as Torro. So are photos by family and friends as well as text about the life of this Tenerife artist of the 20th century.

By the way, Eduardo Westerdahl who opened the first contemporary art museum (MACEW) of Tenerife in Puerto de la Cruz is mentioned more than once in the 2024 TEA exhibition as a friend or in other connection with the Tenerife Painter Domínguez. 

Does Contemporary Art ever stagnate at TEA?

No, there's evolution in general, as innovative newcomers are constantly featured. One of them was Eberhard Bosslet with its 'heavy duty' theme. I saw his show in summer 2014.

TEA space insufficient for more display?

No, it's not, as there's a coming and going of artists.

Is T E A also a museum besides an exhibition center for art of our times ?

The Tenerife Espacio de Arte is listed as a museum with the ICOM (international Council of museums).

Strictly speaking in my mind, the T E A Espacio de Arte (art space) is rather an extraordinary meeting, study, activity and exhibition center or perhaps as much as a gallery. But, it would be a gallery where nothing can be bought. Only the T E A shop sells. Its extensive library may be seen as an unconventional or 'digital museum'.  CDs, videos and all sorts of literature, such as art books are stored there, contrary to cloud platforms.

The unusual, gray flat building complex T.E.A almost adjoins the Museum of Man and Nature. It is also by the oldest Santa Cruz Church bell tower. 'Both museums' may be reached from the town square by the pink  Mercadillo municipal market the Recova  or from near the seaside.

What kind of Contemporary Art thrives at TEA of Santa Cruz de Tenerife?

There, expect exhibits of fine art of nowadays; modern art; drawn and painted portrays; cartoons; expressionism; abstract art, cubism, surrealism, impressionism, sculpture and photography besides the art of cooking.

Only sand art which is contemporary but a temporary art of volcanic sand carpets has no space at T E A. Such Corpus Christi art remains strictly reserved to the town of La Orotava.

Up to date, educational art classes at T E A

Occasionally, art tuition for the very young is given at the TEA center. Later, the works of the children are exhibited.

What is more contemporary than children art, after all?

This big exhibition center for the art of our XXI century of the Tenerife capital brings you new works of often unknown as well as known artists.

Much applauded cooking demonstrations

In June 2009, chef Richard Etherington who was employed at the time at the Tenerife Hotel Rural Victoria of Orotava stole the lime light. He prepared yummy designer food at TEA for most demanding taste buds. Many a positive review was published online about his innovative cuisine in Twitter as well as on other platforms.

Caterpillar drive chain as contemporary art in the street.

La Mueca festival of art

Contemporary art has become the rage of the Tenerife Mueca art festival. The former fishing village Ranilla  has been most representative in this context for its most recent Mueca street art where homage is given in Puerto de la Cruz to the best flamenco dancer of all times.

TEA library and Internet access

The international exhibition Center TEA  gives free WiFi Internet access in its state of the art Tenerife libraries. There, you also find a nice section for children. A cafeteria helps drench thirst and hunger. Some are said to even have spent the night in T.E.A.'s library. It must be very comfortable, therefor.

Innovative TEA museum information by its architects

Tenerife exhibitions of modern art at Manufactum gallery Puerto de la Cruz

Gallery furniture recycle art Tenerife Spain by Giuliano Montisci

Check out what's up at TEA Tenerife exhibitions here ...

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